Partnership with New york city’s My Brother's Keeper #MBKNYC

The MBK Peer Mentoring Initiative is our premiere Peer Mentoring program created for New York City 1st and 2nd year HS boys of color and named after the 2014 Obama White House Initiaitve.  MBK connects incoming freshmen and sophomores with juniors and graduating seniors as their Peer Mentors.  MBK hosts weekly meetings for participants to connect in a safe space through structured activities, guest speakers, field trips and athletics.

#MBKNYC has been Featured by The Everyone Graduates Center (EGC), a national high school drop out prevention center housed at Johns Hopkins University's School of Education.  Click here for the feature and to discover more tools and resources from the EGC.



Short Recap Video of the #MBKNYC 1st Annual Overnight Retreat.